Just a quick article regarding the real danger of utilizing free email autoresponders. In case you are someone working to build your online network marketing business using email marketing, avoid using one of the free autoresponder service providers to build your company?s email list. You will definately get suspended. I know first hand what can happen since it happened to me.
Although I have already been a good online network marketer for quite a while, I just by no means took email marketing and having a list seriously until about six months ago. Wanting to spend less, I carried out a net search for autoresponders, particularly free autoresponders. I discovered one that let me develop a respectable size email list, 2000 actually, use their own web capture forms, and send as much as 12,000 e-mails each and every month. Subsequently in the event that I by chance exceeded that then I could easily pay a reasonable recurring fee. I figured, like anybody else, why not it?s zero cost and this will give me the ability to really become skilled at email marketing, generate a list, and it won?t cost me anything at all. Well, overall it did.
After a few months of marketing and traffic generation utilizing some of the existing My Lead System Pro capture pages, I produced a nice size email list of about a thousand individuals. All of these were individuals who opted in to the capture page, were looking for additional tips on how to promote their particular online network marketing business and wished to receive email messages coming from me. So it was not spam or a bunch of junk email addresses. Well, to my unexpected shock, the other day I woke up and had received 2 email messages in my inbox. The two of them reporting the same thing : ?Your account is suspended.? I could not believe it. Several months of effort building a list right now quite possibly completely gone and in addition I never got even one spam complaint.
Initially I thought overall ?this can?t be right.? Something might be wrong with the company?s service. Therefore unwillingly I looked at the e-mail then read through the 1st sentence or two and recognized it was not them it seemed to be my business. It began by simply suggesting ?something about your business violates our terms and agreement so your account has been suspended.? With no genuine explanation other than a web link back to the terms and agreement. I clicked on the terms and agreement web page link which quite simply failed to indicate how my business breached their terms and agreement. I could truthfully merely imagine they, for whatever reason, basically didn?t like the network marketing or Multilevel marketing industry.
Despite the fact I was technically locked out of my autoresponder account and unable send to anyone on my email list, I seemed to be able to sign into the account and then export my list right into an Excel spread sheet. Which means gratefully I didn?t actually lose the email addresses. After which, I promptly went to getresponse.com and opted in for a paid membership. I signed up with them as they are compatible to network marketers plus several of the best Network marketing producers utilize them. Thus far, getresponse has been reliable, fairly simple to use not to mention the customer service has been really excellent. These guys actually contacted me to welcome me to the service! I want to say that shocked me.
So, as a warning, for anyone building up any kind of online network marketing business and you are either actively making an email list by way of a free autoresponder program or perhaps are considering using one of these no cost programs, ultimately you may be blacklisted then have to start over in another place. When you find yourself seriously interested in marketing via email, at some point you?ll certainly need to pay for a service anyhow, certainly you should never take the possibility of having your account terminated just to save a few bucks. Generally paid autoreponder services tend to be under $30 a month anyways and it is essential to get one while building up your own online network marketing business. Incidentally, getresponse.com has a thirty day free trial so it will be a smart idea to try them initially.
Source: http://blog.mysuccessmantra.com/?p=4993
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